New Patient Forms
We know that paperwork in a doctor’s office can be tedious and time-consuming to complete. But the information you provide helps give us an accurate picture of your current health and the conditions you are experiencing that need treatment. Below you will find the documents for new patients to be completed prior to your first visit. Depending on which practitioner you are seeing in our clinic, please download the correct forms and bring them with you to your first appointment.
In order to view and complete these forms, you will need a current version of Adobe Acrobat. You can download a free version by clicking on the link below.
Chiropractic Patients
In order to make your first visit to our office easier for you, please download the Chiropractic Patient Registration Packet and complete EACH of the forms at your convenience. Be sure to bring the completed forms with you to your first appointment with any previous test results, x-rays, or health documents that you feel are important. You can also attach these completed forms to an email and return them to the clinic using the email address The documents titled “Insurance Coverage and Patient Liability Policy” and “Notice of Privacy Practices” are for your own records and do not need to be returned to the office.
If for some reason you are not able to download these forms, please plan on coming in fifteen to twenty minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time to complete the paperwork in our clinic. In addition, please bring a recent copy of your health insurance card and a current photo ID if you plan to have our office bill your insurance company for your care.
If you have recently been in a motor vehicle collision, you are required to complete the Motor Vehicle Accident Patient Forms in addition to the Chiropractic Patient Registration Packet prior to being seen and treated at our clinic.
If you have recently been injured in a work-related accident, you are required to complete the Workers’ Compensation Patient Forms in addition to the Chiropractic Patient Registration Packet prior to being seen and treated at our clinic.
Food Intolerance Testing Patients
For those patients who are coming to the clinic for food intolerance (sensitivity/allergy) testing, please download and complete the Food Intolerance Testing Packet prior to being seen and treated at our clinic.
For those patients who are coming to the clinic for food intolerance (sensitivity/allergy) testing AND chiropractic care, please download and complete the Chiropractic and FIT Patient Information Packet prior to being seen and treated at our clinic.
Massage Therapy Patients
For those patients who are seeing Leah Bowder, LMT, for therapeutic massage treatment, please download and complete her Massage Patient Form and bring this form with you to your session.