If you are like most Americans, you probably have only one thing on your mind these days: income taxes. The college basketball brackets have been destroyed by upset wins, spring break has ended for your children, and the weather just hasn’t been good enough lately to get out and do some yard work in preparation for sunny days to come. All of this leaves you without distraction, and perhaps your mind frequently drifts towards the upcoming April 15th deadline. For those lucky few of you... Read More
We are looking at some seriously hot temperatures this weekend in the PNW, and this forecast seems to be just the beginning of what could be a very warm summer. That means that many of us will be heading into the great outdoors to enjoy the sunshine as well as seek refuge from the heat at home. But getting outside in the summer can increase your risk of sunburn. Sunscreen is always your best option to avoid a sunburn’s searing pain and potential risk of skin... Read More
So here we are in the year of double, double digits: 2020! It’s a new year now and if you’re like most people, you made your New Year’s resolutions thinking, “It’s time I made some changes around here and got back in shape!” But how are you doing so far in fulfilling those resolutions? Starting off a new year with plans to improve your health is a common practice; but sadly, a lot of those resolutions are eventually sacrificed as the year progresses. Why? Because a... Read More
Now that we have passed July the 4th, it’s officially summer in Portland! That means we can look forward to more days of sun than rain for a while, and after this year’s winter, I think we all deserve some warmer temperatures. The first thing that most people do in these summer months is change their wardrobe to cooler attire, which often means a change of shoes. Time to put away the snow shoes and break out the flip-flops, right? As much as I also... Read More